Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Sweet Stuff about London Life

A running list of the good things I've discovered about life in this big, new city.  Hopefully this list will never end.

In no particular order:
  • Never a lack of things to do/places to go
  • (a kick a** blend of Hulu and Netflix for just £5.99/month)
  • Culture all around
  • International Student House (arranger of tons of student trips and activities for unbelievably good prices)
  • Infinite photo opportunities
  • Wagamama (delicious & affordable Asian food)
  • Original Magnum bars (way better than the ones in America, for some reason)
  • Seemingly endless amounts of free and/or super cheap things for students to do
  • Awesome little boutiques and window shopping
  • Byron (organic, grass-fed beef from Ireland turned into "Proper Hamburgers" served alongside typical american "sides")
  • Student discounts anywhere and everywhere!
  • Affordable & reliable public transportation
  • Museums up the yin yang (the majority of which are free)
  • An observatory outside of the city that lets you use the telescopes to look at stars and other celestial bodies FOR FREE!
  • Quick, easy links (train/plane/ferry) to hundreds of other cities in Europe for super cheap
  • Bakeries where you can buy cake the the slice or whole (anyone who knows me knows the HUGE repercussions this will have)

Maybe it's just because I'm an American, but the large quantity of FREE things in this city never ceases to amaze me.  In short, I am absolutely LOVING my new life in London.  Phoenix schmeonix, London's got it going on!