Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Fez Silent Social

Monday night -- Halloween!  No trick-or-treating this year, but instead something quite a bit better - Silent Social!  I had my first Silent Social experience at the Fresher's Ball about 6 weeks ago and it turned out to be one of the best nights I've had in a long time.  When the opportunity for another night of headphone-wearing, head-bopping, karaoke-singing hilarity came around again I simply couldn't pass it up.  The Halloween Silent Social was at a local club called "Fez Club" in Putney.  I'd never been there before, so it was even more exciting.

Lyle zipped up and headed out with Jessica (dressed as a sexy devil), Patrick (the skeleton), and Pepijn (as himself with a scary £1 mask).  After a short bus ride to Putney, an ID check at the door, and a decent into the basement of the Fez, we were handed our headphones and ushered into the club.  Lucky for me, Lyle's skin is thin enough to hear music through.  The dance floor was a-blinkin' and those funky beats had us hip-hopin' in no time.  Good thing I'm a light-weight, £5 was barely enough for a single Rum & Coke.  Yikes.

Everyone was dressed to impress.  Lots of scary dead zombies and sexy, scantily clad "kittens" but best of all, some animal friends!  Silent Social Fez-style was just as much fun as I had remembered it being at the ball.  This time I played paparazzi.  Here are a few pictures from the night!

And a short video to try to give others a taste of what Silent Social is like.  It's hard to see the fun if you're not there to enjoy it, but I guess this will have to do.