I've been asked to blog briefly about my experiences in school thus far. I guess maybe the parentals are interested in that sort of thing. This post is going to be boring, so if I suggest you find better things to do with your time than continue reading this. Really? You're still reading. Alright, but you've been warned.
This semester I'm taking 3 courses, one called "Critical Reflections on Early Childhood", and the other two are called "Research Methodology and Enquiry" Parts 1 and 2. I have one paper to write for each class, all three of which are due on the 9th of January. At this current point in time, I have not started writing anything. I have, however, started researching the topics for these papers.
Trees along the road I walk down to get to school. |
I spend an average of 5 hours a week in an actual classroom. Sadly, I am currently spending about another 5 hours a week studying/reading/thinking about school. I really should probably do more of this, but I am having trouble being motivated with my deadlines so far away and so many more exciting things to do, and shiny things floating past my window.
A rainbow I saw while taking a walk around the football pitch near my room. |
I have made a few friends in my courses. Research Methods has about 50 students. Critical Reflections, conversely, has about 15 (if everyone shows up). I am the youngest person in my Critical Reflections class by a minimum of 5 years. I did not anticipate this, but I'm starting to gain respect as I continue to share my own ideas and participate in the conversations. Several of the students in my Critical Reflections class (about half) are ELLs (English Language Learners) and I think they're struggling with the vocabulary and the speed of the conversations. I feel fortunate to at the very least be able to follow the conversations. Some of my peers get a glazed/confused look about 20 minutes into the 2.5 hour lecture. Yikes.
The road to my lectures. Pretty at this time of year. |
Soon, I guess, I'll start serious work on my papers. Next semester, maybe I'll be busier? I think so. Until then, I'm enjoying life in a vacation state of mind.