So, as I sit here on the edge of my Easter holiday, reflecting on what I've done with my life since returning back to London as a married woman, I am saddened to find my memory unusually empty. I came back to London after Christmas break and I was exhausted from that whirlwind of a vacation. I took the last week of my winter break to settle back down into my "real" life. What the *bleep* was I thinking? Settle down into "real life?" What does that even mean? Who decides what "real life" is? ME! That's who!
I just re-watched the Pep Talk video on my pervious post. I've been wasting time. Yes, I have bills to pay and obligations to meet, but I also have dreams of adventure and a life worth remembering. I've wasted too much time on the things that need to get done and left no time at all for the things that will make my life something to tell people about. As it is, as it has been lately anyway, no one wants to hear about what I've been doing. That's why I haven't been posting. But I'm not going to let my dreams slip through my fingers because I'm too busy.
It's been a long, desperately cold and wet winter here in England and I'm dying for some sunshine. It doesn't look like it's going to get here any time soon though, so I decided to stop letting the weather hold me back and I bought a proper rain coat. Seriously, I am in love with it. Probably more than a person should be in love with a piece of clothing. I also bought a new camera to help me document my forthcoming adventures. I hope these things will help me to stay motivated and to remember that settling into a life of an adult does not mean settling down with a life that I don't want.
Here's a picture of my new coat. We're going to go on so many adventures. Starting with a trip to Scotland in just a few weeks!
And my camera is still in the mail somewhere between here and Russia, but here is the ebay image of it:
I'm pretty psyched to learn how to use it and to get photographing again! I can't remember the last time I took an analogue photograph. I know, I'm pathetic.