Friday, July 13 was the last Adventure Friday of 2012. 2012 has had 3 Adventure Fridays, and we have done something adventurous on all of them. The Latitude Festival, a big music, comedy, arts, etc. fair held in Henham Park in Southwold, just a few hours to the north east of London, was the perfect way to spend an Adventure Friday.
We woke up early on Friday and caught a train towards the festival. By 10:30 we had arrived at the "day park camp ground" and we started pitching our tent. It was a brand new tent, so we weren't really sure how to put it all together, but we did a masterful job in such a short amount of time. I guess this tent-pitching stuff is easier than I remember it being. After securing our tent space, we headed into the venue to begin the fun. We grabbed some food, wandered around looking at all of the various stages, tents, and colourful sheep. We spent a lot of time in the Comedy Tent, laughing to the comedy of Tim Minchin and Russel Kane, before heading out to the main stage. Bon Iver was headlining, and they were the only thing I wanted to accomplish that day. Their 1.5 hour set was incredible and everything I wanted it to be. It's great when you see an artist who is just as good on stage, if not better, as they are on the CD.
After the main act of Bon Iver, we headed back to the tent to pass out. The next morning, we packed everything up and walked up the road to the shuttle bus that would take us back to the train.
Next year, maybe we will do a whole weekend to be sure to have more time to enjoy the vendors and the different music. Regardless, it was a good Adventure Friday. Looking forward to the next one in September 2013!