Another post dedicated to my 35mm fascination. I promised pictures of my trip as soon as they were developed, but then a giant pile of work got dumped on my lap and I am only just now emerging from underneath it. (Yes, it's true, I have completed my literature review, aka 1/3 of my 20,000 word dissertation.)
Anyway, there are still 2 rolls of film which are still loaded in 2 of my cameras that are not finished and have pictures of Holland and Germany on them. However, the sun has refused to come out for the past few weeks at any convenient time, and so I haven't been able to finish the rolls. Hopefully soon I will have a chance to feed the birdies again on a sunny day. Phoenix friends, send the sunshine my way, you've had enough.
Anyway, here are my most favourite shots of my recent month of travel as seen through Sprocket Rocket, LC-A+, and El Capitan. Enjoy!