I wish I could say it was because of school that I have been absent on my blog for a while. Truth be known, I have not been busy with school at all really. School is really nothing more than the occasional reading assignment, observation, or reflection on my practice and pedagogy. However, there is a reason for why I haven't been doing anything worth blogging about. Lately, I've been swamped with trying to find a new place to live and a job that will allow me to stay in jolly ol' England for a few more years. It shouldn't be as hard as it is, but the new Visa laws make it very very difficult for a wonderful US Citizen such as myself to continue to support the British economy.
I have recently joined a teaching agency in hopes of being better equipped to find a job that suits me. The meeting with the agency advisors last week was incredibly stressful, and I will not relive it by recounting it here. However, I do feel as though there is greater hope for me finding a job since that interview. I am still scanning the web for openings and trying to find ways to beef up my CV. In the middle of all of this, I am also trying to begin my research for my dissertation and stay ahead of the game in this semester's classes.
It sounds like a lot, but, to be completely transparent, it isn't. I feel like more often than not I stress myself out with thoughts about the uncertain future and then become overwhelmed with the desire to crawl into bed and pull the covers up over my head forever. Lucky for me, I've got an amazing support system here in London and back home in the States all cheering me on.
I am sincerely hoping that this will all be sorted out soon so I can stop thinking about it. The thought of my own very first classroom is as exciting as it is nauseating. And yet I know I have to face it sometime. I'd just like to know when and where so I can start preparing myself, that's all. And yes, I know, I'm an insane control freak who is completely incapable of just "letting it be."
On the brighter side, Mom is coming to visit in just 13 days and I couldn't be more excited about it. April will be a whole month of not thinking about school, or the future. I promise to dedicate the entire month of April to happiness found in family, friends, travel, adventure, and relaxation (and, of course, procrastination of the real world).