Tuesday night Ulfie and I headed into the city to watch Singin' in the Rain. Ulfie got the tickets for only £22, so it fit into the requirement of "cheap entertainment." It was at the Palace Theatre, which is one of those cute small old theatres with really interesting and ornate decorated ceilings. So our £22 got us seats in the highest section of the theatre, but it didn't matter because we could still see all of the action.
It's been ages since I've seen the movie Singin' in the Rain, and so I honestly forgot the plot. I recognised the music almost immediately though, and suddenly flashbacks of 8th grade Music class came back. I guess that's where I saw Singin' in the Rain for the first time.
The play was nice. Quite well done, I think. And, it did actually rain on the stage. Impressive. And not just like a sprinkle, or a drizzle. It poured, like heavier than it would have if the stage was on fire. Poor guy got soaked. Fun to watch from the balconies: the actor splashing the entire front section as he danced and kicked around in the water. I don't think the rich people sitting in the first few rows knew that they were paying extra to be in the splash zone.
Overall review: 3 stars. The music was good and the plot is just classic. Parts of it seemed kind of boring and not related to the plot, and for that it loses a star. It gains a star, however, solely because they found a way to literally make it rain on the stage. My favourite part was the last dance, after the play had "ended", when the whole cast came out and danced in the rain with shiny silver umbrellas that had brightly coloured undersides, a very nice finale indeed.