Monday, June 4, 2012
The Latest Home-Away-from-Home
Yesterday we moved into our new flat. We got up at the crack of dawn and headed to Putney to pick up the keys, then we took the bus to the new flat. Four new keys dangling from my keyring and they all serve a different purpose for a different door. Interesting. One of the keys is even an old-school skeleton key. Makes for very heavy, but-easy-to-find-in-the-depths-of-your-purse keys. Sweet. We reserved a "Zip Van" (moving vans owned by Zip Cars) and Patrick volunteered to brave driving on the wrong--eerr different-- side of the road.
It only took an hour and a half to load the van up with all of the stuff from our rooms. We packed it to it's maximum capacity, then drove back to the new flat, unloaded all of our stuff onto the pavement, and quickly returned the van within our 2-hour rental period. Just in time! It took us about another hour to haul all the stuff up to the new flat. It took at least 8 fully-loaded trips on the elevator. We are very thankful that there even is an elevator- we now live on the 5th floor.
I wish I had more time for a more detailed update, but Jessica Jellybean has finally arrived and we are just having too much fun to waste more time blogging. I snapped a few pictures of the process in the midst of the chaos. It's so good to be in the new home, though! Brownies in the oven to make a house smell like home :)